Make a Love-Offering (Dakshina)
Dhyana Mandiram Trust

Swami Veda Bharati has written, “For thousands of years, seekers have made offerings to the spiritual master out of love, respect and gratitude. The Rig Veda, an ancient scripture says, “When we offer to a great being with reverence, what comes back is a portion of the Guru’s essence.” So offering dakshina creates a direct and ongoing connection with the source of grace in our lives. It allows us to participate in the universal cycle of giving and receiving and connects us with our own inner state of generosity. As we express this generosity of spirit in our lives, we experience a world that is generous in return.
The true essence of dakshina is that it is offered with an open heart and pure feeling. It is not the amount given, but the feeling with which it is offered that truly bears fruit.
The student or disciple gives his/her offering for the love of the teaching, so that the teaching may be facilitated, that the Gurukulum or Guru Family may flourish, and that the teacher(s) do not suffer. No “amount” is a “price” paid for knowledge.”
Loving donations from the heart are very welcome and deeply appreciated as each donation helps the continuing sustenance of the facilities at the SRSG campus so that you and all our other visiting sadhakas can benefit from this beautiful and peaceful atmosphere and can continue to have the chance to learn and experience the timeless teachings of the Himalayan Sages.
We feel that it is important to become aware that in the running of the ashram, there are several costs involved, directly or indirectly, in order to make it possible to sustain this ancient and unbroken Lineage of transmission for the benefit of humanity. The ashram being a non-profit, charitable organization operates through loving spiritual and financial support of our family members from across the world, like yourself.
In light of this, we humbly invite you to make a love-offering.