Enter - Ashram Immersion Program
Enter the path of Meditation as taught by the Himalayan Sages
All practitioners get the opportunity to experience the introspective and peaceful nature of the ashram environment and ashram life. The Ashram Immersion Program is offered throughout the year for both beginners as well as advanced practitioners. One can choose to come alone or with their friends and family. Everyone receives personalized guidance during their stay.
This ongoing program (3-14 days long) is designed in such a way that practitioners may immerse themselves in all aspects of the teachings of the Himalayan Yoga Meditation Tradition, as taught by Swami Rama and Swami Veda Bharati.
Each individual arriving at the ashram starts with a foundation course, a series of classes that introduce and share the foundational practices and philosophy of the Himalayan Tradition. One would be given a daily schedule of instruction in preparation for meditation, pranayama, relaxation, joints & glands exercises, hatha yoga, and yoga philosophy.
The daily ashram schedule runs from 5:30 am to 9:30 pm each day. Time for self-study and reflection is always available.
Read More Information:
- About visiting the ashram – Accommodation
- About our other upcoming events – Events
- About how you may contribute towards the ashram – Donate
Preparation for Meditation:
The systematic point-to-point steps in the method of starting meditation practice as taught by the Himalayan Sages are:
- Diaphragmatic and uniform breathing.
- Correct posture, with a straight spine, and no feeling of discomfort in the legs, back or the neck. One should be able to maintain such correct and straight position of the spine without encountering discomfort.
- Shithili-karana, or systematic relaxation. One should maintain total relaxation of the neuro-muscular system throughout a meditation session.
- Awareness of breathing. It has some subtler modes that one learns gradually.
- Using a mantra or a sacred word from whichever spiritual tradition: (a) Initially a sound that flows easily with the breath, such as the word Soham. (b) After such a step has been mastered, a mantra-diksha (initiation into mantra) is given and more advanced methods of refined japa (mental remembrance of the mantra) are gradually introduced.
Anyone at any age can begin; the younger the better. On the other hand, it is never too late in life to start. The practice should be done at least once a day, for whatever length of time is available.
Recommended Readings:
- Meditation and Its Practice by Swami Rama
- “Beginning Meditation” in Night Birds by Swami Veda Bharati
- Meditation: Art and Science by Swami Veda Bharati
- Audio with book: Learn to Meditate (plus relaxation exercises) by Swami Veda Bharati.
- Video: Treading the Path of Superconscious Meditation by Swami Rama
- The Royal Path by Swami Rama
- Holistic Living Manual by Swami Rama
- Conscious Living by Swami Rama