Calendar of Events
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Meditation and Its Practice
This six-day programme is as much appropriate for beginners as for more advanced seekers treading the path of spirituality. The foundation stones of meditation will be approached in a scientific and systematic manner. Preparations and progressions of meditation practice will be shared step by step. This course will give you the tools to establish and […]
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Mauni Amavasya Silence Retreat
Mauni Amavasya (Silence Day) is an annual observance. The observation of Silence Day is a practice that Swami Veda Bharati invited us to practice. In 2025, Mauni Amavasya is 29 January. There will be 7-day silence retreats at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama, Rishikesh, India from 19 to 29 January 2025. Swami Ritavan Bharati and Adhikari Bhoi […]
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Mauni Amavasya (Silence Day)
Mauni Amavasya (Silence Day) is an annual observance. The observation of Silence Day is a practice that Swami Veda Bharati invited us to practice. In 2022, Mauni Amavasya is 1st February. In 2023, Mauni Amavasya is 21st January. In 2024, Mauni Amavasya is 9th February. In 2025, Mauni Amavasya is 29th January. Swami Veda has said, “…there is also an annual […]